Friday, December 28, 2012

Blame our selves!

The hypocrisy of Indian society is disgusting. Over millennia we have built a society with inequality as its corner-stone. Inequality- based on gender, on caste, on wealth, on power. Every institution, be it religious, social or political, willfully encourages inequality among human beings, in one way or other.

Right across the country, there is a prejudice against a girl child from the time she is in her mother's womb. Households shamelessly give preferential treatment to sons over their daughters. Girls are trained to believe that they are weak and insecure. From a very young age they are told that their future and life revolve around finding a husband and building a family. Parents are willing to spend more money on boys' education. After all, the girl has to go away to some other house. The girl is seen as a burden, and money has to be paid for accepting her as a bride. And the higher her education level, greater will be the dowry for a suitable groom. So a little less education is better for the girl.

Generations of boys have been brought up with this inequality ingrained in their psyche. They grow into men who believe that women are there to serve them and to be the subject of their pleasure. Generations of little girls have been brought up to believe that men are stronger and superior.

Gentlemen practise this inequality in the glory of their homes.
And get patted on their backs by swamis, clergymen and mullahs.
Criminals take it a step further.
They rape and brutalize little girls on running buses!

Who else is there to be blamed, but you and me?