Monday, April 21, 2014

Our mind-set needs reset

In India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, (1) a bio-data is essentially a resume besides physical attributes and a photo. (2) A resume includes work and salary history, educational history and job objective. (3) A curriculum vitae is a list of one's professional and educational history and tends to focus on one area of expertise. It's commonly used by authors, researchers, speakers, professors and other experts in a particular field. All these instruments are written with an objective to present oneself better than he really is. A well- constructed bio-data/ resume/ CV will decide the marketability of an applicant for a particular job: how best he can sell himself to the highest bidder. It is quite common among western job- seekers to have different resumes in their portfolio so that they can give the most suitable to a prospective employer on demand. It is then in the best interests of the employer to investigate about the truth of what is projected, to decide to hire or not and to terminate if found unqualified to do the job after hiring. Why do I say all this? Just to ask what is the BIG crime that Mr AG George, the VC of Gandhi university has committed and to emphasize that If he has the required basic educational qualification and/ or experience and is capable of running the show, its a moot point to discuss about his appointment any further. Thank you.

Magical Realist Departs

The renowned Colombian Nobel Laureate who found his own place in world literature by unleashing a worldwide boom in Spanish literature and magical realism- Gabriel Garcia Marquez- passed away this morning at the age of 87. His enchanted readers literally celebrated his "Hundred years of Solitude" and "Love in the Time of Cholera". His autobiography " Living to tell a Tale" was published in 2002.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Honk, Honk, Herpes, Harpies Easter...terrrr...trrrrrr...trrrrrrrrrrrrrr...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!
Nor shall you look for the dead among the living:
If you are looking for the Mar Thoma Metropolitan, you may not find him among the living as he has taken his NEW 1.5 crore Mercedes for sight-seeing along the 'Rich Avenue'... You may take his 3-year old Mercedes at a reduced price. And that's the way out for you...
Still sticking around? Searching for Theophilus Suffragan? He too is out on a pleasure trip in his Brand New 60 Lakh priced luxury car. So, get lost.
But you may come back to get blessed next year around this time... I mean Easter... Make sure to "put money in thy purse, though"


Priest:   “Thanks to everyone for participating in this year’s Easter Pageant. All right, kids, we need to rehearse the part where it’s Easter morning and when the first visitors arrive at Jesus’ tomb. Now who’s on this scene?”

Child 1: “I am! Matthew 2
8:2-5 says an angel came down from heaven to greet them.”

Child 2: “No, it wasn’t an angel! It was a ‘Young man,’ Just look at Mark 16:5!”

Child 3: “Hello! Luke 24:4 says very clearly it was ‘Two men."

Child 4: “Well, according to John 20:1-2, nobody was there.”

Priest: “Children, the contradictions don’t matter! What matters is that we unquestioningly accept the magic of the resurrection even within the face of such glaring contradictions within the story.”

Child 4: “Father, that is the most wonderfully concise summary of Christianity I have ever heard.”

Priest:“Thank you, child. It is that kind of blind submission to authority that got me where I am today".