When minds build walls around themselves, conflicts are inevitable.
When those barriers are broken down and minds expand to merge
with each other, there will be peace, harmony and the resultant bliss.
Here Spirituality begins...
Love brings joy exactly because of this. When you love someone, your
mind expands to meet him/ her. But human love is often tainted with the
inherent impurities of the human mind. Jealousy, ownership, selfishness
and suspicion often pollute pure love.
Then love becomes torture-
where man gets transformed into another pathetic condition.
The Maker had foreseen this, I'd imagine.
So for us to experience the bliss of union and oneness, at least transiently,
he incorporated a built- in mechanism into our systems:
which is sexuality and eroticism.
It also is the beginning of New Life.
Spiritual traditions in many parts of the world accept this as truth.
Ancient India had masters who realized that sex is worship.
And one step farther, they said worship can be erotic as well.
This is how tantric eroticism started appearing in our ancient art and literature.
Traditional concepts of the west ignored this aspect of human nature.
To them, sex was meant only for procreation.
As a result, people started seeing it as dirty
and became secretive about their sexuality.
I was thrilled to embark upon this poem written by Edward Carpenter.
Before this, I have not read anything in English literature which
connects the sexual act with God. It reads:
by: Edward Carpenter (1844-1929)
(19th cent English poet and social reformist)
T night in each other’s arms,
- Content, overjoyed, resting deep deep down in the darkness,
- Lo! the heavens opened and He appeared--
- Whom no mortal eye may see,
- Whom no eye clouded with Care,
- Whom none who seeks after this or that, whom none who has not escaped from self.
There- in the region of Equality, in the world of Freedom no longer limited, - Standing as a lofty peak in heaven above the clouds,
- From below hidden, yet to all who pass into that region most clearly visible--
- He the Eternal appeared.
You may want to disagree..
Alright, lets agree to disagree then.
And enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Prof. Dr. Alex Abraham Odikandathil
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