Thursday, February 10, 2011


The Majority of Biology Teachers, Fearing Controversy, Avoid Teaching Evolution in US Schools.

We are aware that the debate over evolution is being continuously and ridiculously waged in the halls of power. But who knew that this oscillation over real science vs. unproven mumbo-jumbo had such a serious trickle-down effect in the nation's classrooms?

The surprising breakdown of the numbers, based on a national survey conducted by Science Magazine has been brought to light by the New York Times. The result is that just under 30% of teachers follow the National Research Council's recommendation in teaching evolution. You know how it should be: presenting evidence for it and making it clear that this theory is 'the unifying theme' of all biology. Notwithstanding, 13% devote serious time to creationism, leaving a huge swath in the middle who hedge their bets, teaching evolution but not 'endorsing' it.

Even worse, the survey pointed out that for many students, biology is the only science course they take - so the buck stops with these silly educators who are failing in their job of imparting information and dessiminating knowledge.
Are you smacking your hand against your forehead? Or not yet?

The Times' report runs:

The survey, published in the Jan. 28 issue of Science, found that some avoid intellectual commitment by explaining that they teach evolution only because state examinations require it, and that students do not need to 'believe' in it. Others treat evolution as if it applied only on a molecular level, avoiding any discussion of the evolution of species. And a large number claim that students are free to choose evolution or creationism based on their own beliefs.

Eric Plutzer, the co-author of the paper, said that the most enthusiastic proponents of creationism were widely spread across the country geographically.
Amidst climate-change denial and assault on healthcare benefits, this too - viz. the attack on logic, reason and scientific process- continues unceasingly.

Remember the scientific revolution and the enlightenment?

Apparently, we're still fighting the culture wars of the 17th century.

Thank you and enjoy the rest of your week.


Prof. Dr. Alex Abraham Odikandathil

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