Sara Bhuyan, a friend asking the following question:
How do you perceive Anna Hazare's campaign from a lawyer's point of view ? No doubt, corruption is rampant. From the perspective of an ordinary person like me, it looks like a small child kicking and screaming and spitting in a shipping mall when he does not get what he wants. May be I am trivialising the scene, but cannot help it ....
Here you go: the qn is difficult to answer in the limited time-frame as the issue is multi-faceted and an honest answer is time-consuming.
Still, I'd venture to say:
1. at the social level everybody except the immediate beneficiaries will fall in line with Anna's bold step of challenging corruption.
2. at the political level, its a time-bomb and no political parties will endorse it as they all are immersed in corruption... all parties need money to exist/ function- to fight the elections, they need money and there's no magic wand that will generate money other than corruption in the given circumstances. So this may be called 'functional' level as well.
3. at the constitutional level, it brings forth a few delicate issues- are laws to be made in the streets by social leaders or in the parliament by elected representitives of the people called law-makers.. how can democracy survive if Anna's demands are acceded to and what good legislatures are then???
(then the counter qn- Gandhiji and Jaya Prakashji led the people against governments to attain positive results for the people: Aren't all established bodies, including religious, corrupt? Dont they have to be corrected?)
The forth-going is the rule in my eyes as a lawyer too.
Remember- "No pain, No gain"
4. at the ethical level, hallelujah, we need more Annas.. He's doing it for a better tomorrow.. to get the country out of the filth she's in... "the government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish" but shall perish if its not so... somebody has to bell the cat... he's doing my job when I'm sleeping in the safety of my home, may God guard him.
And what's ethically right is morally right too.
A child needs to be attended to when he/ she screams, period.
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