Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Communism, an extinct species.

Tell me who murdered Che Guevara- that was his communist comrades, right? And tell me why the Keralite communists uphold the photograph of Che forgetting our own Stephen, Ajitha and Varghese? Com Varghese and Rajan, along with many others, became martyrs for the Keralite proletarians and this soil smells and tastes their blood to this day. Remember, Karl Marx was no proletariat, but the son of a high-profile lawyer and studied Roman Law at the University of Berlin. After all, is not communism an extinct species from the face of the globe? Its not wise to be in that track any more. And, bear in mind that if you are not a socialist before 30 you have no heart, but if your are a socialist after 30 you have no head which points to the time-tested fact that your current political views of revolutionary socialism is nothing more than a hormonal teenage rush that you'll just grow out of. If not, that's when we brand 'mentally challenged'.

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