The earth bursts with life.
Far right exclusionary religions burst with death.
If there is a creator of life, He/ She/ It must hate fundamentalist religions.
The countries in the world that are the most fundamentalist and religious, and those whose identify as most religious-based are the world's greatest troublemakers.
You doubt? Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the USA, Vatican City and Israel are just a few examples.
If the rest of the human race could find a time machine to roll back the clock and recreate a world where these countries never exist, we'd live in a better world.
Just take one example of religion's baleful influence:
President Woodrow Wilson's messianic religion-inspired intervention in World War I.
"My life would not be worth living" Wilson wrote, "if it were not for the driving power of religion, for faith, pure and simple." (Letter to Nancy Toy, 1915.)
Wilson's religious views were the driving force in his political career, satisfying his quest for world peace. And like all fanatics he decided to achieve this "peace" through war.
The devout Woodrow Wilson upset fellow Presbyterians as he moved the nation toward entering World War I, including William Jennings Bryan, who quit as secretary of state in protest.
What did Wilson's religious idealism actually achieve? Germany's loss of World War I led to the rise of Hitler, and the Second World War.
Wilson picked sides between two equally tarnished nationalistically-inspired colonial contenders and weighed in.
So Wilson set the stage for the rise of Hitler and World War II. In the absence of World War II, there would be no Israel because there would have been no holocaust.
Zionism would have simply become a forgotten quirk. And there would have been no Cold War either.
Maybe not even a Soviet Union.
The twentieth century began with wars rooted in religion and nationalism and ended as the century of wars rooted in ideological atheism led by the likes of Stalin, Hitler and Mao.
Now the twenty first century seems to be shaping up to be the age of renewed wars of religions led by fundamentalist fanatics on all sides who believe in the divine destinies of their
nations and/or religions.
These fanatics - they are all of the far right - have ranged from the Ayatollah Khomeini to George W Bush.
The deluded religious belief that any people or nation or church is a "chosen" people is the root of almost all our troubles. So is the lunacy of believing in "Truth" revealed through
one special prophet to one special peoples- be they Jews, Muslims or the Evangelical Christians of America, or the Conservative Roman Catholics who believe in the special primacy of their popes.
That's my premise.
Thank you and enjoy the rest of your week.
Adv. Alex Abraham Odikandathil
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